Permanent stay

Permanent residence permit entitles the foreigner to stay in Poland for an indefinite period (ie permanently).

Permanent residence permit may be obtained by a foreigner who:

  • is a child of a foreigner who has a permanent residence permit or a long-term resident’s EU residence permit in Poland and is under his / her parental care, who:
  • he was born after his parent was granted a permanent residence permit or a long-term resident’s EU residence permit in Poland, or
  • he was born during the period of validity of a temporary residence permit held by his parent,
  • is a child of a Polish citizen and remains under his / her parental care,
  • is a person of Polish descent and intends to settle in Poland permanently,
  • remains in the Polish marriage law recognized by Polish law with a Polish citizen for at least 3 years before submitting an application for a permanent residence permit and has lived in Poland for a minimum of two
  • years on the basis of a temporary residence permit issued on the basis of a marriage before submitting the application with a Polish citizen or on the basis of obtaining a refugee status, subsidiary protection or a
  • residence permit for humanitarian reasons,
  • is a victim of human trafficking and:
  • he lived in Poland immediately before submitting the application for a period of not less than one year on the basis of a temporary residence permit issued to foreigners who are victims of trafficking in human beings,
  • cooperated with law enforcement agencies in criminal proceedings;
  • has reasonable concerns about the return to the country of origin, confirmed by the prosecutor conducting proceedings in the case,immediately prior to submitting the application for a permanent residence
  • permit, he resided permanently in the territory of the Republic of Poland for a period not shorter than:
    • 5 years in connection with granting him refugee status, granting subsidiary protection or on the basis of a residence permit for humanitarian reasons,
    • 10 years on the basis of a tolerated stay permit granted on the basis of art. 351 points 1 or 3,
    • 4 years on the basis of a temporary residence permit and work granted due to the purpose referred to in art. 114 par. 1a, and has a source of stable and regular income sufficient to cover the costs of living for
    • himself and his dependent family members;
    • he was granted asylum in Poland
    • has a valid Polish Card and intends to settle permanently in Poland.
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